Be brave girl

by XxXcrystalXcontagiousXxX   Apr 11, 2008

Everyday i drown in my tears
I wish someone would save me
from all of my irrational fears.
why must i stay here i feel
like I'm choking on hundreds
of splinters.Everyone says be
brave girl,but why cant anyone
save me.I reach out for your hand,But
you cant see me.

I scream till my throat is
numb.Maybe this is just a
bad dream someone wake me .
I'm so broken i cant feel anything
anymore so i try to scream your
name but I'm choking.

I wasn't made like this i used to be happy
till the curse of love had a grip on me.It was so
strong,It killed my soul and set it on fire.
When he said i don't love you anymore
.I could only cry and think your a liar
.As time went by id find someone new but
my heart was so broken i pushed him away,
And id remember them say be brave girl.

The fear in me is so strong i cling
to life just trying to survive but do they know
shes alone.In my head i think of many things
but mainly wishing i were dead.


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Latest Comments

  • I think it needs a little more organization.But it was a great poem.Good basic word choice.Good work.5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Good write...
    your emotional outburst... the description... the pain... it can be felt in your write...

    good job..keep up..

  • 16 years ago

    by Alvaro

    The fear in me is so strong i cling
    to life just trying to survive but do they know
    shes alone.In my head i think of many things
    but mainly wishing i were dead.

    the last stanza was brilliant your own rhythm makes it unique and well mind blowing i loved the poem 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Kaila

    I really enjoyed it a lot
    I think it would be a lot better though
    if you made each line one complete thought
    i think it would have a better flow
    The word choice was good and
    i liked the message
    hang in there

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