A Knight

by Sarah Christine   May 24, 2004

A lonely knight,
without his horse,
travels the world alone,
showing much remorse.
A desolate soldier,
in a world all his own,
fighting for a cause,
fears to be alone.
A heart so meek,
faith so strong and true,
love he tries to seek,
inside he remains so blue.
A daring knight,
bears his mighty shield,
crying inside of him,
for the wounds,
that have not healed.
Awakened and strong,
wonders how a world so right,
could give life so wrong?
A golden knight,
so beautiful and new,
give it time, dear one,
for someone will, love you.


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  • 20 years ago

    by patricia

    that was great i realli lyked it ur so talented keep writing n if u have time plz check out sum of my poemz id love to hear what u think

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah Hotard

    Great job!

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