Comments : Lightning

  • 20 years ago

    by paddy

    hi hun,
    firstly i'd like to thank you on you'r lovely comments on my poems much appricated,
    secondly you'r a extreamly gifted writer who has so much to give,
    i tried to kill myself when i lost the only person i ever really loved,
    i'm glad i didn''t achive what i set out to do on that day i might of been ending my pain but i'd have been causeing so much more pain,
    theres always a way out the easy way or the hard way the easy way is death suicide what ever you want to call it it's all the same the hard way is to pick you'r self up and carry on yes it's very hard but you can and will do it,
    you'r a beautiful person with so much to live for,
    never give up carry on with you'r amazeing poetry and if you ever need to talk just e mail me
    i gave you a 5
    take care my friend

  • 20 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    thank you all but i am not going to kill myself i just felt like dying but wasnt going to do anything about it
    funny chris how you say that but just make things worse isnt it?
    lexi lou