I am Sorry I am different

by Tiffany   Apr 14, 2008

I am sorry if I am different
I am sorry I do not like
The same people as you
I am sorry I am a girl
And I am sorry I like them too.
I am only human
I like who I like
And if you do not like that
Well to bad
Learn to deal with it.
I may be Bi
I may be gay
But I am just like any other
So I am sorry if I am different
I am just who I am.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Divine

    It a lovely poem I love the way you where firm even though u were sorry for being different u loved who you are

  • 16 years ago

    by Love vs Fate

    Hey this poem is very good! good stanza...good message you are sending out to us readers. I loved this poem...you will recieve a 5/5 for this piece of art! :D