We made it through the summer together
Please don't look back, we still have eternity
I never thought we'd be in your room talking about forever
I always wanted to know why that one kiss did so much for us
Let's make this easy so it doesn't look like we're trying
Everyone knows we're not if we die in one piece
Too bad there's blood on your knife which gives away the dying
I just swear I could survive if I make it out of this place
Let's drain all the sweat out of the past few days
Tonight we'll sit in your bed and build a secret
Don't worry, it'll be way too much for either of us to say
Silence is a better year in the making
Tomorrow, we'll capture the beauty in the whole thing
Drink your pain away, trust me, we both need it
Maybe soon there will be enough words and you'll be healed enough to sing
And the song we will write will come from the bottom of our darkest misery
But love, at least we got through the summer
I now look forward to eternity