Once Upon A Time...

by ImperfectBliss   Apr 15, 2008

Tears running down my face
So steadily, so slowly
Once upon a time...
I stare out my window and sigh
Although it is so sunny it feels so cloudy
Once upon at time...
When I was small I was so happy
Dancing among the flowering fields
Once upon a time...
I would climb the towering trees
And sing to the birds and the leaves
Once upon a time...
I would creep along the brush
Deep in the moonlit night
Once upon a time...
I felt so magickal and free
Able to do just about anything
Once upon a time...
But I am small no more
I am no longer so innocent
Once upon a time...
I now know the pain that fills the world
I now have to fight with all my strength
Once upon a time...
To ensure my happiness in this small life
It gets so hard sometimes
Once upon a time...
I used to read so many fairy tales
That filled my head with such beautiful thoughts
Once upon a time...
I read of fairies and dragons and lovely princesses
And daring princes and fantastical adventures
Once upon a time...
I pull out these storybooks once more
And I read aloud these old, childish thoughts
Once upon a time...
These stories no longer apply to my life
I search for one that can
Once upon a time...
I can not find any storybook that makes me feel better
I realize I must write my own this time
Once upon a time...
I pick up the pencil and stare at the page
Waiting for inspiration to come
Once upon a time...
I think of the happy times I had when I was little
Twirling in the fields in absolute bliss
Once upon a time...
Once upon a time, there was a girl
Who was filled with pain and unhappiness
Once upon a time...
This girl went on a journey of her own
To create her own bliss
Once upon a time....
Once upon a time, this girl
Found the love she was searching for
In the form of a tiny seed
Once upon a time...
This seed opened, and from it grew
The most magnificent tree
Once upon a time...
This tree was twisted, and ugly at first sight
Once upon a time...
But if you climbed in its branches and
Opened your heart to it
Once upon a time...
If you looked closely...
Once upon a time...
It is more beautiful and complicated
Once upon a time...
Than anything you've ever seen
Once upon a time...
Once upon a time, I set down my pencil
And smiled the first real smile I have smiled in years
And I got up from my chair
And went outside
And twirled in the fields
Like that storybook girl did so long ago
Once upon a time....
I found the happiness I was looking for.


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