Luke 5;32

by Michael D Nalley   Apr 16, 2008

"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."
What do you suppose would be the key word in this divine sentence?
Who among us is without a sin and able to cast the first stone?
Can anyone forgive sin by their own power but God alone?

I am not called to examine the speck in my brother's eyes
Nor exalt my human weaknesses with any evil lies
Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead
The wise should remember every word he said

Jesus said be ready for you know not the hour I come
It will be a joyful time for the faithful and sorrowful for some
Lord forgive me for the times I have fallen and all those who fell
Into the abyss of suffering because we have accepted Satan's hell

Many times I have been made drunk by my own self righteousness
It has been at my weakest moments I have rejected His Holiness
Many have forgotten that the righteous were not why He was sent
But for the faithful followers who are willing to sincerely repent


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  • 9 years ago


    Well done Mike, no forced rhyme, the truth clearly stated from the Word. Self righteousness are blinders for the eyes, His righteousness is freely given upon regeneration, never earned. When we are drawn to Christ by the Holy Spirit we are granted "Godly Repentance" along with the Gift of Faith and become "New Creations" Born into the Body of Christ, the Church, this all is God's work carried out by Jesus. Keep up the good work. Ken,

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This has an unbelievable amount of meaning, I liked everything about it, especially the way you put and wrote the first verse 100/100

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I can see why there is a WIN beside the name of this poem.

    It is amazing. The rhymes were flawless and the meaning behind the poem is just beautiful.

    I haven't seen a lot of poetry about religious views on things. I couldn't stop reading this poem from the go. I was enticed by every word and it made me think of myself and my own life

    The first and last stanza of the poem are my fav's. Such honesty in them and the words said are perfect


  • 16 years ago

    by Helen

    Its beautiful. good work

  • 16 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    This poem is extraordinary. It is really hard to take something so important and try express and elaborate into poetry. Outstanding !!

    Alex xxx

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