I don't judge her metallic rings.
I will watch her pull out her hair from the pores.
Shredding her surgery until she sings.
Cutting her old wounds, medicating her rashes and sores.
You want a show, a piece of paradise.
Fine, ill put my righteous fingers on your face.
Ill make you feel better and grab my back, how nice.
Why hurt, now lets see how you taste.
No one noticed you, such a damsel in distress.
An angel with symbolic light told me to save your day.
Your the beauty queen that was a mess.
And i just showed up at your door with something to say.
The blackest reins put your rest inside.
So far away Ive been waiting.
I found you, my soul mate of tide.
I shalt make future and stop anticipating.
My sword and my health yet love potion should work.
Now clench my steel shining chain mail armor.
Today the everlasting day of my winged back of turk.
Grab my levitational body and ignore.
Freedom of winds and freedom of choice.
Silence of seventeen souls most likely hold on.
That tick tock in your cranium must rejoice.
Give me a minute, we are almost to the sun.