I keep waiting for the ghost but she doesn't show.
She doesn't answer my calls so how am I to know.
Hauntings seem more and more spaced out than before
Wonder if she found someone she rather haunt more.
Isn't like the ghost just to leave me hanging around.
Has she has left for good this time to a new town.
I can't imagine what I did this time to piss her off.
She was a friendly ghost; Maybe her friends scoffed.
Maybe she found new friends and I was too transparent.
Its my fault and she had to vacant because of the rent.
I don't know what they charge her for being a ghost.
Maybe her friends don't like me and scared like most.
I would hate to think that I scared all the ghosts away.
I guess that would be humiliating to a ghost in a way.
Should tell all the ghosts I am sorry; Hey, I was wrong.
It was just she was the only ghost I had and she belong.
I must have embarrassed her in front of her friends.
It was all that time I spent in the land of pretend.
I wonder if she will ever forgive me for being real.
I just never thought how she must go on or even feel.