Our goodbye

by fatimah   Apr 20, 2008

2.12 This morning I left you in tears,
Thinking that would be my last goodbye.
I didnt sleep that night,
Twisting and turning,
Thinking of you!
I dont know what to do!
I didnt know whether Id I see you tomorrow,
And if I did what would happen?
Ive never been so lost in my thoughts the way I was this morning!
I cant understand how much more we can take,
Before they actually tear us completely apart.
How many more times will they come against us!
And crash us down!
How many more times will they tell you lies?
And fill your head with doubt.
I cant understand how they got between us!
How did we reach this far?
What did we do wrong?

I saw you finally that morning.
You had your red coat on,
Your hair straightened
And your I-pod in your left ear.
I looked at you as you approached me!
Thinking that would be the last time Id see you come near.
Your smile was missing,
But yet you still can hide,
All thats inside.
You dont fool me
I know you were dying!
But you still looked like my sweet angel.

Goodbye time came.
Was I going to hear your voice again?
Would I see your face ever again?
Would you still be alive?
Or was this it?
Our last goodbye!
Our last kiss,
Our last hug and moment together.
I didnt want to let you go!
A tear slide down both our cheeks!
I didnt know what to say anymore!
My last words,
I love you


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  • 16 years ago

    by Shokry Al Qubati

    Wow! It's of the nicest poems i've ever read! keep it up 5/5