Comments : Her paper heart

  • 16 years ago

    by Vox

    This poem was absolutely beautiful, though sad and full of pain.

    I felt every word as if it were true to me as well. It spoke through not only the words but the feel that is there behind the words.



  • 16 years ago

    by Miu

    I loved this poem!

    I love the consept of paper heart. Paper that is so lifeless and kinda fragile(I don't know if that's the right word), something that we use everyday not seeing nor understanding the value of it not caring about it, on the other hand, it's made of tree a living nature to put into heart consept it's something like to love without getting hurt. What I'm trying to say is you already picturing that girls heart as made of paper, so that girl has be hurt in worse ways, and then comes along this guy who she sees her last change in to love, who she desides to trust after all she been throught, but still he plays her, and she and her heart is completely thorn apart and destroyed. It's so sad, but I just found it brilliant!
    Also, u had some strong imagery here! I could just see that heart ripped apart.
    "Ripped to shreds by his honest deceit, his hidden truth"I loooved this sentence.
    I liked the structure aswell the repeat in the beginning of every verse, how the whole verse was building up, found it very interesting.
    Nice vocabulary too :)!

    Sorry ifI went too deep with this poem, but I just loved it! And I really hope you understand what I'm trying to say :D

    5/5 for sure! Keep it up!