For any broken heart...

by HisBaby54   Apr 21, 2008

When times get tough just remember somebody always has it worse than you.
Just give God praise for the good things in your life and he will handle all the bad things if you just believe in him.
I know people say crying makes you weak, but NO! crying makes you human.
But you should NEVER cry over people who are not worth your tears.
And the ones who are not worth your tears are the ones who dont even know they make you cry.
That usually means its because they dont care.
So just live your life appreciating the little things and giving thanks to the one who gave them to you.
I know its hard to focus on the good when you feel your life is so horrible but it is possible.
You just have to find the strength so the bad things do no overpower you.
And always remember when you think that no one loves you, listens to you, or understands you, God does ALL 3 and much much more

God Bless <3


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by HisBaby54


  • 16 years ago

    by silvertung69

    If i cry because of someone who has caused me pain the tears i shed are for me.
    grate writing thoe.

  • 16 years ago

    by MissMeg

    Wow that really touched my heart. thanks for writing that, i needed to hear that or umm see it. thanks.