My heart beats for two

by Dustin S   Apr 21, 2008

My heart beats for two,
Lives for two.
My heart longs for you.

Now I live and fight,
Just to make it through the night.
Please come back, back in my sight.

I cry when I see you gone,
I love when you return,
But there's something you should learn.

I dedicated my life to you harlea,
I have sacrifised my soul to you,
Wishing one day you would say I do.

I can see us in the future,
I can see us together forever,
And apart for never.

Please make my dream come true,
Make my heart beat for two,
Because I'll wait for you.


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  • 16 years ago

    by robin milford

    Such a sweet poem your girl is lucky to have some one with such talent

  • 16 years ago

    by Love vs Fate

    Dang dude, this poem is something. Nice stanza. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by X Harlea X

    Good poem dustin

  • 16 years ago

    by Dustin S

    Jenn, its for just one person. Look and reread carefully

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Shouldn't your title be My Heart Beats for Two? You left out the S in beats. :)

    You spelled sacrificed wrong.

    Other than that, this was a nice poem. The rhyming scheme was pretty consistent and though I don't understand it completely, I loved the title. What do you mean for two? It made it sound like it was about loving or liking two people, but it wasn't.

    Overall this was a pretty good poem. Not the best in the whole world but it was good. I'll give it a four.