
by East Poetry   May 25, 2004

Listen close and I will tell you
something I have done before.
That if you do correctly,
Your heart will hit the floor.

The success of this mind trip
is really up to you.
Now relax your thoughts and listen
as I tell you what to do.

Concentrate on what I say,
and I think you'll get the gist.
We're going to take existence,
and make it not exist.

Think of all existence,
and everything beyond.
Then imagine to yourself
if all of it was gone.

Again, think of all existence
and everything beyond.
Then imagine to yourself
if all of it was gone.


Minus out the universe,
and then the galaxy.
The solar system, and the earth,
and even you and me.

If you picture blackness,
minus that out too.
There isn't even whiteness,
not any shade will do.

Airless, space less, void less.
Nope, not even that!
when you think that there is nothing.
You must think there's less than that.

What ever you can think of,
just keep minusing it out.
The emptiness becomes so gone
Its like your heart drops out.

This mind trip may not have affect
while you sit and read this poem.
So when your done, or later on,
try it, in the silence of your home.

? 2004 Randy East. All rights reserved by author


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  • 4 years ago

    by Makala Newman

    This one opened my eyes to look beyond what the eyes and mind can see. You started my journey of truth but sadly we were just a pitstop to something better.

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Your introduction was wonderful, really loved how you made the reader feel at ease and connected with your piece.

  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    This was beyond clever. exactly the same philosophy of the hollows Devinne. great poem and it did take me on a mind trip. nicely done!

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    I experience or I went through this when I was five... seriously, I ask my mom. But she didn't have an answer other than we are the work of god.
    It felt horrible to think that there is nothing there, not even the galaxy. In my mind I just pictured the white but the white wasn't there. I picture a room, but the room wasn't there. I picture myself, but I was not there. Everything turned black and then not even the black. So tramautic event, with one explanation.

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I really like this piece because when you sit and think of just pure nothingness it makes it impossible to feel bad about how little any of us might have in life right now. Sometimes its difficult to watch people who have the whole world and all the money in it.... but atleast we have something and not the complete opposite. Nice job 5/5