This is a story of a little girl........

by angela   Apr 22, 2008

This is a story of a little girl
not more than the age of 16
how her true love dissapeared one day
picture her story like a movie scene

This girl is calling out to you
so please don't ignore her cries
she wants to tell you a story
just imagine her words in ur mind

So relax and read this poem
about a girl who did no wrong
so close your eyes and dream
and play her story like a song

So imagine silence and darkness
but listen to the winds awful cries
do you hear the soft piano playing?
do you feel the colds demise?

She only wanted to love someone
but now she's all bruised and burned
she only cared and loved everyone
but sadly, never got in return

When she lost the one gift she had
no tears came down to pour
she wasn't mad, nor angry nor sad
she just lost the one she adored

So when she looks down to the ground
and sees a black tear drop on the floor
she did not cry or utter a sound
for her pain was something more

Something more than tears and heartache
something that can't be healed with a kiss
she just lost her love that God made
found out there was no true bliss

So now she wonders darkness
thinking how could it be
that she is now swallowed in sadness
was she not like you or me?

She had a life, love and happiness
something we all felt or cherished
but see, now she has nothing left
all her joy and pleasure perished

So now she cries through the night
searching for her one true love
so when you hear the wind howl
know it's her flying above

So when your'e all alone at night
and wonder what was that sound
know it's her searching for pure light
she's searching something never found

And when you thought you saw a person
but in reality there was nothing there
know it's her yearning for love
searching for something rare

And when you thought you felt a shiver
and your body gets the chills
know it's her that has touched you
but she is not there to kill

Just yearning for real answers
how one night she just died
so when you hear her crying
don't be scared, it'll be allright

And when you see her blank stare
just ignore this frightening sight
for her beauty was once there
just now corrupted by evil night

She cannot be lifted of this curse
her sadness she cannot deny
and I'm the only one who feels this pain
for it was once mine

Her soul now black and withered
all her sorrow no one could see
her heart still sour and bitter
and that little girl was me.......


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