I am so very proud because my boyfriends gone to war
he loves me so dearly he wanted to take me with him but he said it was against the law.
i thought that he mite send me a touching letter back .... but this is what i got ..... it truly did lack
let me make one thing clear He left to the middle east to fight the Iraqis....
" my jenny...
hay Wat ya Dion Sweet.... year its great out ER.....they give us um mm ice cream for desert..... oh the Germans there b7%^^*&D's they shot down a big imam train track thing...... but heres the thing i was in the train nd they stole me.....yea they stole me and now I'm in Paris ...... so the Turkey people or is the porky people Harv got me and i dint know where i am and they want 5,000,000 .... so could you like send the money to where i am which is 101 Pierre street Paris (its a really nice building with green lattice and there is a lady net door that calls me jimmy tucker)....please....
by the way i have just found out that i will be fighting for the rest of my life so dint wait for me......JUST SEND THE MONEY!!!!!"
i just saw my boyfriend on MTV with his new girl he call her his baby...
so now i am sitting at home cuddled up in a little ball .... crying from my life because by boyfriend dumped me for a hoor.