And there they are - so filled with passion,
eyes in the dark sparking magical flashin,
nothing can stop him now from getting his,
and she also knows well what does that mean.
He has always wanted her - so innocent and pure,
sophisticated, beautiful, youthfully mature,
her sensual touch would drive him so crazy,
with his body, mind and soul he loved that lady.
He gently lay her on soft silky sheets,
and for the first time their eyes truly meet,
the moment he felt unnaturally frightened,
in a blink of an eye he became enlightened.
And there it was - so filled with horror,
bloody full moon, a passionate woman,
for wanting her he had to pay with his life,
she turned into wolf and killed him like knife.
Oh, what a night - one of a kind,
the wolf left nothing but pink mist behind,
jumped out of the bed and as the moon glow
she ran away in the forest so no one would know.