Fearing Fear

by Forever Broken   Apr 24, 2008

When asked what you fear most
what is it that you answer?
Do you fear living life in darkness
cut off from cheerful banter?
Or do you fear being alone
living life without another?
Some people say they fear losing
those who they claim as their lover.
others fear the simple things
like spiders, heights or death.
Tiny spaces, growing old,
and having pain in their last breath.
Well I have come to notice
after reading every sad story on this shelf
that the only truly logical fear
is fearing fear itself


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lu

    Well I have come to notice
    after reading every sad story on this shelf
    that the only truly logical fear
    is fearing fear itself
    Excellent ending! You have spoken the truth in these ending lines.

    Wonderful read

  • 16 years ago

    by Ash

    A really well written and such an enjoyable one to read. The questions asked just play around in your mind. Keep it up! 5/5

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