Spring Rain

by Jemma   Apr 24, 2008

Oh, sweet little gypsy girl running with the wind
Delicate grasses are playing in her hair
The rain drips down her muddied nose and slips into her smile

Oh sweet little gypsy girl lying in meadows green
Amidst the highest mountains that young eyes have ever seen
She laughs alongside the whistles of the birds
And her bright mind dances merrily again

Oh my little gypsy girl playing in the rain
After summer time's inferno things may never be the same
For all things need to change, even the softness of spring rain

As the furnace comes to life, life starts to slumber once again
Hibernating, waiting for droplets of fresh spring rain

Oh, sweet little gypsy girl with her tousled locks
Her ripped and dirty top, her worn skirt and feet without their socks

To a sweet tune she runs and prances
And the air too starts to sing
With the knowledge that once again spring is just about to begin

Oh, sweet little gypsy girl
I know winter has been tough
But the spring rain is now upon us
This has to be enough

**a little bit tricky to categroeise depending on how you interpret this but, I've put in life now, despite it shouting nature at me."


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