I walk down the hallway Ive seen in my dreams
doors on each side each locked with a memory
i reach for one then stop and think
do i really want to remember
i keep walking asking if this is a dream
do i want to remember
should i remember
can i remember
these questions haunt me as i travel this hallway
long doors with brass handles
each door getting darker then the next
memories of pain, misery, and more pain
some memories i cannot remember
Ive blocked them for some reason and cannot remember why
i walk further down the hall
i find a door black as night
as i grasp the handle i feel as though this may be a wrong choice
i cant turn back and push the door open
as i enter i feel myself leaving the ground
pitch blackness surrounds me as i float through the endless black hell that is my memories
seeing old friends who betrayed me, people who have hurt me, past relationships, lost loved ones, things i wish i could take back,things i SHOULD have done but was afraid to do
going through all the memories made me understand that they are god awful memories true
i know understand that through each loss,through each painful memory i have become stronger
i know now not to be so trustful of people
i know that people can hurt people
i know that i shouldn't Rory about the people in my past because there is a reason they didn't make it to my future
i now know i am who i am and no one can change me
i know that there are still doors in that hallway that will remain locked for a long time and when i finally get the courage to find the key that i lost, i will be ready to see the memory for what it is