Really sad!!!have to read it made me cre :'(

by meakahXxXxsexybabeXxXxX   Apr 25, 2008

There was a boy

there was a girl

who were both too scared to say
tht they were in love with each other he was always the popular type at skool
and she was the second best
but none of them cared
she waited on msn all night for him to come online
she finaly decided to sighn off
wen his name came on the screen as he signed on it gave her butterflys

suddenly he wrote to her i have something to tell you
and she sed actually i have somthing to tell you!! i love you!!

and he replied i was wondering if you would go out wit me and she replied yer ofcoourse!!

soo they spent everyday togther and never left others sight

wen one day she got a phone call she anserd and it was him he sed baby i have somthing to tell you iam leaving tomorow and im not coming bakk im going to america but i love you soo much!

she droped the phone in tears and ran to her room she cried her self to sleep for days and days she got up and notised a letter under the door from him but she was too upset to read it soo she put it in her diary

she flicked on the tv to see the news that the plane that he was on (flight 9.4)had crushed and were no survivers!!

she ran to her room locked her self away for days and quit school she got the letter that he left under her door and was about t read it wen there was a knock at the dor she got up to anser it and there he was standing at the door and she sed i thought u had died!! on the plane
he sed do you think i would leave you withoutseeing you agian read the letter

in the letter it sed...
keep this bit of paper coz ill be bakk to get it
and in the door way they shared there very last kiss together


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  • 16 years ago

    by Suicidal Love

    OMG that was such a sweet story! nearly made me cry, well done 5/5

    suicidal love