Clouds race across the sky on their relentless journey
The stormy wind whips up the sea into a frenzy of foam
Yet I rest here with you in the warmth of your loving arms
Free from Nature's anger; safely within your sanctity of love.
No matter what a day may bring or whatever trials will face us
Together we confront adversity in the knowledge our trust is paramount
Not once have you faltered; your love for me will pass any test of courage
As my right hand you are the pride of my life, my gift of companionship.
In this day and age where awards are handed out in recognition of merit
If I had my way your loyalty and steadfast love would not be overlooked
You do not seek limelight like many others of our kind savour public plaudits
Instead, preferring to enhance our qualities of understanding and togetherness.
As a delicate orchid stands out amongst flowers my Orchid Lady is also as rare
You are a gift of beauty that captured my heart from the moment I found you
Until you spoke I was alone, then your haunting voice took me into another world
People stood around us yet you rose out from the crowd like a vision of loveliness.
Years have passed by since those unforgettable times but one thing remains.......
though we are both aging slowly you are as pretty now as you were in those days
Amongst a room full of people half our ages; my Orchid Lady would hold your head high
And for me my choice would be simple - I needed you in my life then and I need you today.