The Way I Am

by Poet on the Piano   Apr 26, 2008

I am really full of love,
My heart is never hollow.
I care for who I belove,
I lead and never follow.

No one is at all like me,
I will always be unique.
I am who I want to be,
In what I say and proudly speak.

Standing out is not so bad,
Not everyone will fit in.
Just live your life and be glad,
And be your real self within.

Don't alternate the way you are,
Be very true to your own heart.
With this you will sure get far,
And like yourself from the start.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon

    Maybe It's because this isn't the style of poetry i normally read, but this seemed a bit bland. Well written with a flow, indeed, but I wouldn't say its anything brilliant..

  • This poem is very profound. I like it very much. You definitely showed who you are and it showed a message that everyone needs to look within themselves to figure out exactly who they are. Good work! Keep it up!

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Perfect rhyme with respect for individuality
    I like your live and let live philosophy
    and your style

  • 16 years ago

    by Krysten

    Altho simple you got you point across easily. i loved it. i really enjoyed it b/c its about being who you are, and thats the way ive always lived my life. keep up the good job. the flow was good, i loved the rhyming alot and wel 5/5.

    krys (the punkrock princess)

  • 16 years ago

    by NinjaGirl

    A truly touching piece of poetry 5/5

    Keep Writing, lovely
    As Always,