Comments : A Mother's Longing

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    Oh wow Sherry. This is so sad and filled with love and desperation. it's so beautiful...but it's that kind of terrible beauty nobody should have to write about..

    Why must these feelings continue
    Unable to do anything; helpless
    Loving you more than life
    Yet, unable to cure your illness

    ^^ this stanza made me think of one of my old friends, who got into drugs. i would give anything to make her stop. to bring it back to what it was. but i can't, i'm helpless to change it...and it's definitely my favorite stanza. sherry, this poem is beautiful and deserves its nominations.

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    This is an amazing piece...
    so much emotion is reflected by your poem... it truly depicts a mother's agony for her sick child...So many people could relate with it...

    I loved it...

    "My life would be freely given
    Merely for you to find happiness
    Delirium visions with mirage demons
    No longer would haunt your innocence"

    ^^ wonderful words and beautifully described... very touching..

    Excellent write..

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    This is such a heart wrenching poem, but it's so sweet. I, myself, have bipolar, so I know how it is personally, but this poem really made me think about what my mom has gone through with me. Made me think if this is how she feels.

    My life would be freely given
    Merely for you to find happiness

    ^^ This clearly shows how strong the love for your son is, and how you want so bad to just make him happy. It's so amazing that there can be a love so strong that someone would give up their own life just for the happiness of someone else. Your son is very lucky to have such a wonderful mother.

    I love how you used such a broad vocabulary even though it was an emotinal poem. Most people would just write down their feelings and forget about the words. You made such a sad piece elegant.

    I hope everything works out good for you and your son, and I loved the poem.

    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by ReinaLuvzYoo

    Wow that must be wrote a good poem though i liked it it was a little different though but still4/5 well done!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Miu

    Wow, could feel you really suffering, almost bursting to tears, so heart-breaking.
    Mum love really is stronger than anything, is greater then love for your own life.
    The poem itself was perfectly expressed, and very emotional and deep. Got me thinking about my mum and all we been through together. We children sometime tend not to see how much we are loved by parents.
    Brilliant. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by JAZMIN

    This poem is amazing!!

    Why must these feelings continue
    Unable to do anything; helpless
    Loving you more than life
    Yet, unable to cure your illness

    this stanza reminds me of my nephew who is sick and there is no cure for his disease...he has Muscular Dystrophy....and will only live a few more years...
    this poem brought tears to my eyes!
    It is so beautiful!

  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    this is heart breaking for me to read. I have seen my own mother suffer the pain you are feeling.

    Why must these feelings continue
    Unable to do anything; helpless
    Loving you more than life
    Yet, unable to cure your illness

    We as mothers always try to mke the lives of our children beter, Yet there are things we can't fix. The pain of this is terrible. Only someon who has seen this first hand could understand the helplessness you feel.

    My life would be freely given
    Merely for you to find happiness
    Delirium visions with mirage demons
    No longer would haunt your innocence

    How many times do we wish we could take the pain and suffering of those we love upon ourselves. Just so they could know the joy of living without haunting demons. or pain.
    Excellent write. You and your family are in my thoguhts and prayers.
    God Bless
    Take Care Cindy

  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats so sad its really good he is lucky to have you. love the poem it really reaches out and opens your eyes to what others go through and how it affects peopel around them

  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I like this piece, I can see it coming from my own mother, it is very easy for me to relate to from both sides of the fence. The only thing that threw me was the word "Merely" I don't know why, for me it just doesn't seem to fit. Other than that I really enjoyed it and thought you did a good job, some very nice emotion.

  • 16 years ago

    by Lu

    Why must these feelings continue
    Unable to do anything; helpless
    Loving you more than life
    Yet, unable to cure your illness
    We would give ANYTHING to help our children ... and you have expressed that so clearly in this opening stanza. Yet when all we can do is sit by (helpless) and unable to take away the pain it breaks our hearts.

    Medication, physicians; even therapist
    Daily existence no longer experienced
    Freed from agonizing mental torture
    Living life filled with cheerfulness
    Your title speaks in this stanza. A mother longs to do all these things. To see her child live in happiness, free from the things that torture them ... be it ... mental or physical torture.

    This piece has touched my heart. Being a mother I can relate to the tears that created this piece.
    Though this piece is so sad ... the love you have for your son shines ....
    He will pull through the hard days because ... he has the love of his mother and a beautiful hand to hold through-out the journey.

    Touching ... so very touching

  • 16 years ago

    by Sourav

    A poem straight from heart and life. A very sad poem. It made me sad and I can feel for you. So touchy and so lovable as well. Very good write indeed.

  • 16 years ago

    by she

    Your love for him is expressed greatly
    i can feel the hopelessness in this poem, i'm so sorry
    but excellant poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Cale

    I really think that alot of parents feel this way!! I know my parents would feel the same way and i know as a kid i am greatful that they do feel that way! Great poem and it really is an amazing topic!

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very touching and well written poem. My heart goes out to both of you

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    It's a hard thing to deal with - any illness is. They always make you and loved ones stronger though.

    Amazing poem it made me want to cry. Maybe a bit longer and I would have. Though it didn't need to be longer whatsoever. Perfect poem, actually. But, if I had more time to think about it I would have.

    Wonderful word choice/flow/emotion.
    Keep it up hun.

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Mental Illness is a terrible thing to suffer with for the person and their family and friends. I wish you all the best. And yes, nothing is stronger than the bond between mother and child. With your love, guidance and proper treatment, I hope you manage best as possible. The poem definetly tugs at the heart strings. Based on a real life scenario. Nice job and thank you for sharing.

  • 16 years ago

    by Hebe

    Don't know exactly what I have to say about this one.
    It's very emotional. Must be horrible to see your child suffering, while you're unable to to anything about it. I'm really sorry for that, but you made it very clear in your poem which must have been very diffecult for you to do. To say such things in words..
    Anyway, it was amazing to read.
    Very well done!
    Take care


  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid


    There is a girl on this site that has this condition too. She looks so much like an angel and she is very aware of her illness and what it does to both her and her family. She dissapeared a few months ago and I fear the worst. Her name is Gennie and she posted her work as 'Trying to hold on".
    Most of her poems are about her illness, you might have read her work already..
    When I read your poem I had th think of her right away. She is the only person I know that has this.
    Beautiful poem, written from the heart.

    Take care,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    My son is bipolar and I know how you feel. I would do anything to see him happy and free from this disorder. As difficult as it is for a mother to see a child with the disorder, it is also difficult at times to truly understand how and why the highs and lows occur and ask yourself, why can't they just stop this behavior. I think that maybe people who know someone with bipolar disorder must feel this way at times. It takes a toll on all involved. This was an excellent write even though it must have been difficult for you.

  • 16 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Why must these feelings continue
    Unable to do anything; helpless
    Loving you more than life
    Yet, unable to cure your illness
    - you despiration is evident in this first stanza, the pain almost cries out of the screen. its hard to write a comment on something this meaningful to someone, as no one will no exactly what your going through.

    My life would be freely given
    Merely for you to find happiness
    - that is a beautiful part of this poem.

    Medication, physicians; even therapist
    Daily existence no longer experienced
    Freed from agonizing mental torture
    Living life filled with cheerfulness
    - you really captured the experience, and you wrote this so beautiful there would not be a dry eye in the house.that must have been a difficult thing to write about.

    bless you
    amy xx