Broken hearts and broken chairs.

by Angel Demetrice   Apr 29, 2008

My buddies gone I'm in his apartment we alone
She had just been dumped and she had spent all morning in the bathroom
So I popped in a movie and past out
Next is next and the rest is the rest
She came out of the bathroom and sat by my side
She leaned up against me and asked?
I look at hear and said
"why why?"
She stared into my eyes and said?
"you've told me you love me and I still go out with other men and when they dump me your still right hear holding me close and telling me it will be all right."
I smiled at her and kissed her on the head
She was older then me by a year or two
But she always looked at me like I was the older of the two.
I had taken her to prom when her boyfriend blew her off that night.
I had been there when her mother died.
And I had been there to pick her up every time she fell.
So now the question wandered in my head
Why had I stayed?
She was still looking at me her eyes shined like the moon
And every thing seemed to disappear,
"How can you still love me?
You,re all I've needed you to be,
And every time I've fell,
You've pulled me out of hell
And every timeI had been falling,
Even though it was so loud I could hear you calling."
We both smiled and let out a laugh she new I loved her poetry
But as she spoke every thing else began to fade,
Her voice could make the angels in heaven envy her
And the demons down below loath her
As every would rolled of her tongue
My whole body felt like it was being sting.
I was so lost in trance my eyes even rolled to the back of my head,
"Hay are the there?"
She said as I could hear the noise of the room come back to me.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Estefania

    I really liked you poem very nice 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    Cool poem!! i'm the same way with my best guy friend, =)

  • 16 years ago


    I love this one!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Meme

    Really amazing
    i can see so much depth in it
    keep it up 5/5

  • Wow very good I cant think of any thing to say... wounderful job on this one!
