He's Gone

by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere   May 2, 2008

They say to let go,
he's gone now,
And won't return,
I can't let go.

Letting go only means,
I really have to face,
All the things I've tried to avoid,
I'm not ready, I never will be.

No matter how much people,
Try to comfort me,
I push them away, they don't understand,
I'm angry he's gone.

My heart is aching with pain,
I'm trying not to cry,
I'm angry with God,
Why can't he make T.J come back again?

My life will never be the same anymore,
I won't look at the world the same,
My heart will always ache with pain,
Just like it started on that Thursday night.

Why did he have to go,
He had the world at his hands,
He was so damn young,
Why T.J?

In Memory Of: Thomas James Mathison Jr. [T.J]

Tuesday May 16, 1961 ~ Thursday March 27, 2008

WRITTEN ON: April 17, 2008


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  • 16 years ago

    by Bugg

    I'm sorry for your loss. Truly. I know how it feels when a loved one passes away. My boyfriend committed suicide last January and it almost killed me. I didn't want to live anymore. I sank to the very bottom before I could pull myself up. I could really relate. Thanks for that. :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    So sad :(

    keep on writing, so sad but its made a lovely poem xxxx

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Hey this very sad... very touching..
    you hv wonderfully described your emotions...
    Most of readers could relate with it..

    I really liked this dedication to your uncle..

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Well written to say the least. Of course it goes without saying the deep emotion overshadows any other praisei could give this heartfelt poem
    Thank you for sharing