The cool summer breeze
Hits my face
I feel the grainy sand
Between my toes
I hear the crashing
Of the clear, blue
Ocean waves
The scent of fresh air
Reaches my nose
The scenery
Takes my breath away
I take in the scenery
The beauty
Of the peace around me
As I walk
The sidewalk
And start walking home
The peace within me
Starts to fade
As I enter the city
I hear
Yelling and screaming
Loud parties
The scent of drugs
Enters my body
Smoke hits my face
On the way home
I wonder
Is this what God wanted?
Did He want
The war?
People yelling at each other?
Fist fights?
Or hurtful words?
Being said and done?
This was not part
Of his plan
I'm sure
If only people
Could find peace
Withn themselves
And embrace it
If only people
Could love each other
Just toleration
Would be nice
I know
It's hard sometimes
But one person
Can make a difference
*People at my church seemed to really like this poem. I hope you rate and comment it and tell me what you think.*