I Used to Believe in Love

by I Seem to be the Heartless   May 3, 2008

I've forgotten what it felt like
To WANT to love someone,
Forgotten how awesome it can feel.
Forgotten the joy it can bring,
The butterflies it puts in your tummy.
I've forgotten what it's like to kiss someone
Because I love them and not because
I'm desperate for attention,
Forgotten how good it feels to be held.
Forgotten what it's like to be happy.
I've forgotten how beautiful
The birds' songs are,
Forgotten how perfect the world can be.

Suddenly I wake up
And realise everything has been a dream.
I believed so whole-heartedly in the love
I thought existed,
But to my dismay,
Not one bit was real.
It's sad -
I really believed in Love,
But then I woke up.



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  • 16 years ago

    by Cobra

    Sometimes you wake up to late. You either sit down in the dumps or made a fool of yourself.