Unrequited Love

by Curing the Comon Cliche   May 4, 2008

Skipping over every song
Every song is about you
Every word of every line
Everything I put you through

If I could stop the feeling
You have to know I would
I'd turn around and walk away
If I thought I could

But we know too well
That I'm not that strong
And for the record, Disney
You were so damn wrong

Wishing doesn't help
Optimism gets you nowhere
Unrequited love
Wish for feelings that aren't there

Even though I knew your feelings
I knew them far too well
When you said those words out loud
My heart broken as it fell

Broken all over again
With nothing left to say
Unrequited love
"I don't feel that way"
PS: If ur reading this u care enough about me to get past my stupid

Unrequited love is love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired... This can lead to feelings such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and rapid mood swings between depression and euphoria. ~Wikipedia definition


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  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    This is....almost giddy. like...it sucks, but it's still love. idk.

    loved the piece about disney..i agree beyond doubt..great job jesse..