Learning how to yield to your love, Baby.
And it doesn't drive me nearly as crazy.
Could just sit here listening to you talk.
You look so serious with that sexy walk.
In no hurry; Take all the time you need.
Will wait; Don't worry you have me treed.
Don't have any plans but being with you.
Go on and take care of what you need to.
You are always so busy and doing things.
Here waiting for the phone if it rings.
Robin just goes bob, bob, bobbling along.
I could just watch her all night long.
Lil bird with the sweetest sound I know.
Watched it walking on the rocks below.
Who only knows which tree her nest is at
Eating a blade of grass and getting fat.
She is intrigued with the blade of grass.
Nestled in the rocks like a small bass.
I glance away and she has flown far away.
On a mountain top overlooking the bay.