Comments : Words of a Stranger

  • 16 years ago

    by Jessica

    Oh my goodness, this gave me goosebumps. I'm really sorry if this happened to you.

    very well penned though. :)

  • 16 years ago

    by gracey grey

    "The man I love turned into a total stranger
    From a face full of happiness and laughter,
    I looked at him without those dimples in his cheeks
    No more jokes, only silent words, only plain face..."

    When one has been in love for a long time, this does happen as you have put in the above stanza.Surly is painful when one turns to a complete stranger.........conversations turns bleak
    and isn't fair for anyone.The last stanza made my hair stand.........very sad.........."like i promised, I've come back".............who would want a promise like this?

  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Very creative.
    Love the lines of:
    I waited for him to answer my questions,
    But I failed to meet his response.

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Very deep and heartfelt expressions in this story that you have painted. Life isn't fair always, is it. But, as we learn, we become stronger and when we find the person who needs us, they will stay for a lifetime. I wish you all the best in life. This piece really was very moving.