
by CHEMICALcaitlin   May 6, 2008

I remember being little,
Sitting on your porch,
We watched the cars
As they drove by,
And we'd count the colors.

I remember that swing,
As it moved back and forth,
My feet would hang,
We could sit out there for hours.

Those memories, the best I have,
I think I took for granted,
Now you're gone,
I've nothing left
Except what's in my heart.

I miss you,
I love you,
They say it's not forever,
But still it seems so long,
I never knew what you meant to me
until you were gone.

Whenever I remember
Counting those car colors,
I regret I never got
To say how much I love you.

Please know you mean the world to me,
These tears aren't just from sadness,
They are from, too, the joy
these memories have brought me.
RIP PopPop. It's been over a year, and I still miss and love you.

This was written when I was 12 (I'm 13 now), and this is definitely not one of my best poems in the "poeticy" aspects, but it's the deepest poem I think I've ever written.

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  • 16 years ago

    by Lauren

    WOW!! you are only 12 and wrote this!! And you don't think it's one of your best. I think this is amazing. Maybe because It really relates to me. This is the first I have read of yours, but I can't wait to read more because this poem really touched my heart.

    I miss you,
    I love you,
    They say it's not forever,
    But still it seems so long,
    I never knew what you meant to me
    until you were gone.

    This stanza really touches me because it is so true with my Great uncle who passed away last year.

    Really Amazing :)

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Awww.. that was sad. It made me think of my grandfather. I agree that's it's not the best poem in the world technically, but it's sentimental to you, so I think it's great. It's hard to lose someone you love, but you still have memories to hold close to your heart. They're still a part of your life, just not physically. Just stay strong and hang in there, he'll always be in your heart!

    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Melpomene

    Now this piece was definitly much better with emotions. You expressed them beautifully into this poem. And out of the two piece of yours I have read this is definitly the better one.

    Like Auzy [The Tasteless] Said your young. Soon you will learn metaphors which will flow through you creating such lovely and unique pieces. You've just got to keep at it. Don't give up on writing. You can acheive anything as long as you put your mind to it. Like I said before stronger and powerful words would of made this more appealing but you still did a good job.

    This is an impressive piece for your age. Well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Extemely amazing. You expressed everything extremely well. The description and how vivedly you remember everything was great. Great work, nice poet you are. :) 12 is pretty young, but I must say you've got talent. 5/5.

  • 16 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow for a twelve year old yo got talent. I loved the last 2 verses. even though your twelve however i wont let you off so easy MAUHAHAHAAHHAH. The first half of the poem didnt really catch my eye, your word choice was kinda not original and format not too organized but plz dont take any offense i did like it ^^

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