Who are you

by Xx Grieving from the inside outxX   May 6, 2008

Who are you i am not this sweet little girl you used to know.
who are you well you ask these ? well i am a person know how to love with her whole heart how stand up in for what i believe who you raised to tell the truth but the real ? is who are you. your not the mother that i loved your not the mother that used to hang out with me your not the mother that Care's do you want to know who you are? well your the person how yells all day long.the person how fights with me and loss your the person is pushing me away your the person i am leaving in the end. so my dear mother now is the time to say goodbye.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Andrew

    This is really sad. Its bad knowing a mother does that to her own flesh and blood, so sorry i hope you work things out and never say goodbye

  • 16 years ago

    by Mike

    Your poems arnt bad ther pretty good this poem hits close to home

  • Wow i kno the feeling ur amazing 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ares

    It's a very raw poem, very good:)

  • 16 years ago

    by neo

    Great poem. if you format it in lines, not a paragraph the "simpletons" of the world may better understand it. sad & lovely at the same time 5/5

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