by HollyNichole May 6, 2008
category :
Friendship, family /
best friends
Ok so for everyone that said it wasn't quite finished, here you go. i had some help with it. you know who you are. thanks so much! ily |
by Simply Josh
Heyyy again lol. Yeah that definitely gave it a more evident ending and to get your point across you don't need really need to be subtle so yeah that was good. Well done |
by Im not broken anymore
This is an excellent poem.. Great job i felt the same way when i was trying to come out.. Nice choice of words 5/5 |
by Dan
I must agree with Josh on this one. It was written very well but the ending you chose didn't seem to give the poem the ending it needed. Overall great poem |
I like this poem your good!!! ;) |
by Victoria
O my freakin god i love you o i mean this poem with a passion laugh out loud |