Ink and blood; Blood and ink

by Krissymkitty   May 7, 2008

Ink running
Down the page
Dripping, falling, drooling, scattering
Down the page it runs
Runs and runs and runs
To the floor it drips
Covering the tile
Black liquid ink
Leaking through the floor
Wait...what is this?
Red ink?
No, blood
Blood and ink
Ink and blood
Mixed together
Blood goes to the pen
The ink found the wound
A bullet to the head
In which the blood came from
A note written in black ink
"I'm sorry I'm such a screw up...
Now you don't have to deal with me anymore!"
Guns and notes
Ink and blood
There all the same
In suicide

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  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats really good well done xx