Mortal Wounds (547)

by NinjaGirl   May 8, 2008

Pretend you don't feel the pain
While the knife cuts up your wrists
While the blood runs off your fingers
While the tears in your eyes linger.

Pretend you don't feel the fear
As you teeter upon the edge of reality
And the doorstep into a realm of insanity
And a cascade of blood red tears.

Pretend you don't feel anger
As it rises up inside, ready to burst out,
Ready to let flow the envy and doubt
And a hating hunger to destroy.

Pretend you don't feel the tears
As they well up behind tired eyes
As they spill out again and again
And an ocean of misery surrounds you.

Pretend you don't see their eyes widen in their fear
As they see what they've down, how they've made you oblivious
To the pain and the fear and the anger and the tears,
They made you give up hope, you no longer care,,

You move the razor up again and the skin begins to tear
And, you never know, for every cut that you make,
It may be the final cut, and then they will watch you die,
Bleeding slowly from your wounds, from the wounds that they put there...

Pretend you don't feel the pain
For if you show that you do
They will just laugh and think it's all a joke
But they will be watching the last droplet of blood fall from these mortal wounds.

©opyrighted by ~NinjaGirl~


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  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thisis brillaint, you weite so well, never give up xxx

  • This poem is absolutely incredible. There is so much emotion and truth within it. Anyone who has been there knows of the idea that if others see what we do, they cry ATTENTION, when we are the ones with real problems and never wanted them to see it in the first place. Your word choice is flawless and it captured my attention from beginning to end. Wonderful piece of work love!