Comments : My Dancing Galexy

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    I love dancing under the stars. it is a thing that I love and apparently the girls love it to. and poetry can come easily from the stars and moon. for others it is starts, but for me, it is the moon. It is light, yet not blinding. It is the light you can look upon and enjoy it's beauty. it is also the prince of the sky if you think about it. The sun is the king, the moon its prince and the earth is there queen, for they tender to help out the queen with what it needs. the stars our there servents, only there to show us how big these hevenly bodys are. lol. sorry for rambeling, but I just got inspired by this poem.

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Beautiful and very heartwrenching piece.
    I love the last stanza ...
    "Do not be so frightened,
    Take my hand and dance,
    Through the moon and beyond the stars,
    Show my love a chance." < Flawless. Well written. 5/5, Em