When I look at sunsets with their changing colours I recognise the beauty of nature
White fluffy clouds and blue azure skies show how gentle the sky can adorn the earth
Calm seas free of stormy rage depict how a sea can capture the brushes of an artist
On a cloudless night as stars shine above I am reminded of the sparkle in your emerald eyes.
I am entranced by the locks of your blonde hair resplendent as a daffodil displaying golden petals
Each time I pause to look at the gifts nature displays, my thoughts are centred on your own beauty.
Orchid Lady on the day you waved me to you I looked around to see if you had beckoned another man
To my delight you smiled then waved again in a fashion that almost made my heart stop its beating.
Sweetheart, I have felt this way from that day and your sincerity and love keeps me moving ever forward
To think of a day dawning without you would cause all flowers to fade; all trees to wither and lose their leaves
In my loneliness, I would lose my very will to face the future; as my future happiness can only be beside you
Our love lives snugly in each other like hands held in gloves of finest leather engineered by our beating hearts.
No matter where my mind transports me, through nightly dreams across bridges or unending winding roads
I travel unceasingly in my quest to reach destinations where my Orchid Lady waits throughout darkened nights
Moonbeams reach down from above and guide me to where you wait with arms outheld in welcome
Nocturnal animals walk with me as though directed by nature to escort me home to my irreplaceable angel.