Comments : A poem for you

  • 16 years ago

    by Spoken Silence

    "It seems like forever since the day we first met
    the darkness that clouded my every judgement
    has brightened and washed away all doubt"

    I like your choice of wording here, its very powerful and meaningful. Good job with that.

    "It seems like forever since the day we first met
    the darkness that clouded my every judgement
    has brightened and washed away all doubt"

    This is one of my favorite parts of the poem. Its so sweet and innocent and true. I love it. its amazing :D >:D<:-*

    "you are forever with me til the end of time
    I need not search for perfection,
    for I have already found it
    It lies within you as you do me
    which gives me a taste of perfection"

    So true, you are perfect to me and shall remain that way forever more.

    "like the waves constantly crash on the shore
    so to you I say this day...
    let it rain,let it snow
    let the sun shine,let the wind blow
    for the passion for you I have grown to know
    and it is something I intend not to let go
    forever my heart,forever my bliss
    I would give everything for just one moment,
    for just one kiss "

    I love your ending to this poem. I have no words for this yet again, it leaves me speechless, which is a good thing. All I can say is I love it and you should never give up writing because you are an amazing writer. >:D<:-*