Yielding the power that dwells within.
Obstacles waiting to win.
Unbound desires breaking free.
Welling up inside as thunder.
Ineffective sheels of wonder.
Leeches crushing the spirit inside.
Lust filled veins breaking the rhyme.
Healing tones, beating hearts.
Alas, if only it would start!
Together the tide of pain is bliss.
Evolutionary beats in heat.
Memories of Once Upon A Time.
Yelling to be set free and fly.
Musing on how the world should be.
Using words and fraze's like Utopia.
Scorching songs of blood and gore.
Intoxicated poison flowing from lips.
Curses screamed from bloody body's raw.
'Memories of Once Upon A Time.
Yelling to be set free and fly'. This really makes the poem and explains the other parts of the poem to me. I like how you brought it all together and showed how it could have been different at the same time from that line.