So what, Ive read his e-mails over again?
And so what, it still slightly kills me?
So what, I cried when Jimmys mom cried at his funeral on One Tree Hill?
He didnt shoot Keith, and his mom is all alone now.
Who cares that sometimes I think I need to stay in my room all day?
And whats the big deal if I shake your hand and look you in the eye?
Whats that?
Who cares that weddings make me sad, and I�m afraid to be a mom someday?
So what if I salute those who see things in the clouds and enjoy new socks?
Who else is surprised to find an actual human being?
But I really would love to know
When kids are going to actually start being themselves, whoever they are
Instead of trying to prove they arent like everyone else.
Or trying to be just like the group they are with...who claim they arent like everyone else.
Is love the answer to the world?
Cause I know money aint.
Does he miss me sometimes?
Pretty sure hes convinced Im not gone.
When I am gone though,
Where am I?
And what the heck am I doing?
But really
Who cares if someone is struggling to find themselves.
And like who theyve found.
Who, I ask, is going to help people up after theyve fallen down stairs?
Or tripped on their pride.
Or their tongue?
Probably just a broken heel.
Or heart.
I write poems from my heart? With a pink pencil?
And the jacket I am wearing smells amazing.