To the guy who deserves>>>

by karen   May 10, 2008

I m wanting u
I m missing u!
U r the person dat i've been waitin 4 in so long 2 cure my pain,2 heal my heart,2 make control over my brain,2 show me what eternal happiness would really be having u beside me.
My soul is abundant with peace and true hope that will remain.
Dear angel,free me from my old memories.
Ur the only1 who knows the way.
Be with me,
Hold my hand,
Kiss me again and hug me tight.
I've chosen u cz ur everythin but fake.
Plz stay this loyal person dat i've always knew.
I cnt imagine my life without u.
U always provided me with everythin i've been searchin 4.
No i cnt leave u alone,i cnt live on my own.
Ur the biggest gift i've ever received from heaven.
No i won't descend 2 hell.
I swear i love u i swear i care.
B sure ill always be there.
We'll take care of each others,we'll live 2gether 4ever and even death cnt do us apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 16 years ago

    by XxxBeenThereRockedThatxxX

    Good job on this one but I'd spell out the whole's kinda hard to read when there's numbers everywhere in the poem.

    Just thought I'd give you a bit of advice because believe me it will work......
    Check out some of mine when you get a chance just to get an idea of what I'm talking about....^_^

    Hope it helps!