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by FireCracker May 27, 2004 category : Friendship, family / love, friendship
To my teacher for whom i love To My teacher Who was sent from above To my teacher because she's the best To the one and only teacher Who is different from the rest To my teacher Who has taught me a lot To my teacher That I'm so glad I've got To my teacher I will miss you and i know That you will miss me too To my teacher Who taught me poetry And helped me learn So much about me To my teacher Who helped me with guys To my teacher Who was there for my cries To my teacher Who i makes me laugh and smile To my teacher Who is worth all my while To my teacher That makes me glad To my teacher that I'm going To be so happy to say i had To My teacher Who helps me out To my teacher I trust without a doubt To my teacher Who made me tough To my teacher that i can never thank enough ! - Thanks Mrs. Shaw your the best! -