If only I were...
a few inches taller
I would stand and hold you close
your head in my chest
capturing the essence of the moment
with the wind at my back
and you
the world in my arms
that's a time truly heaven sent
If only I were...
a few seconds faster
I could catch every tear you cry
just before they hit the ground
and tell you everything finds it's way
you will make it through
better off than before
and your true self will be found
If you I were...
a couple dollars richer
I could afford the price of your heart
and you'd never have to hurt again
I'd piece together the shattered pieces
to get to the truth that lies deep within
where your mind is at peace
and your soul could always sing
If only I were...
a little more better looking
you wouldn't have to worry what your friends think
I could be the man you always dreamed
your knight and your prince charming
and not the frog that awaits the kiss
for a transformation thats so fairy tale
at least for what it seems
If only I were...
a little bit more intellectual
I could hold a conversation worth while
and you wouldn't grow so bored
I could voice an honest opinion
just as you do yours
and my advice would be that of relavance
rather than that a comparison
as a knife to the sword
If only I were...
half the man you deserve to have
I would build the courage to say "Hello"
maybe by chance you would say "Hey" too
If only I was,
half the person
I truly want to be
maybe then, I could have a chance with you....