Losing Your Best Friend

by Romantic Lover   May 13, 2008

My first best friend, we always played in the park
Little kids running around, until it got dark
But then it was time, our family had to move
Leaving everything behind, our friendship became old news

A new elementary school, I was the new kid on the block
They made fun of me, including my new frock
Then I met a sweet girl, we always hung out together
Becoming the best of friends, we thought forever

I was just a normal kid, but she became jealous of me
It cost us our friendship, which went out to the sea
Each was a brand new day, until middle school
Made a brand new friend, who I thought was really cool

Sharing secrets and the deepest of our thoughts
So tight and close, amazing we never fought
Years went by and it was time to settle down
Marriage caused us to move out of town

With a new phase, we each had a fresh new start
But before we knew it, our friendship fell apart
I get too attached to people who leave me
My heart breaks inside, yet only I can see

Many years went by until a man entered my world
Who would've ever thought a new life had unfurled
Passion, romance, and so full of love
He overwhelms me, for he is all I can think of

But that's my greatest fear, for he also will leave me
Look at my life above, for anyone can see
As soon as someone gets close, fate will strike
Cutting right through my heart with a sharp bladed knife

There must be something about me that I cannot see
How can I trust if all my best friends end up leaving me
So I've learned to appreciate what ever I have today
I'm just very happy that this man looked my way.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem reflects much wisdom in lifes lessons ..well done
