You say that
you are sorry
and all you want is another chance
but I'm tired of give you
another chance evrytime you mess up
I gave you everything
I loved you with my whole heart
I didn't hold back for anything
and the truth is I still love you
because a love like I have for you
never goes away
but you see everytime
we get in a fight
you think its ok
to break up with me
and stop trying
we can't have a relationship like that
it isn't health or a very happy one
where I have to watch
every little thing I say
to make sure we don't start fighting
because I know when we do
you are gone
so I'm sorry I can't do it anymore
I can't take you back
and go through all that again
I love you andrew
and I always will
and I hope we can still stay close friends
because you are a great person
I love talking to you
I think we are the strongs
when we are just friends
so I guess I'm saying
there is no more us