It's you, I need...
I've been searching and searching,
to love and care for the one i choose,
to have them near,
just right here,
and now i think..I've found,
that special someone,
it's him i need,
my love for him..
I'll never let go,
baby you need to know,
I've come to realize, its YOU!
It's you i need,
you i want..
you i want to be with forever,
for when im with you..
I fall inlove with you all over again,
and when im not with you..
it's you i miss,
you i think about..
you i want by my side,
even though your not always here..
our love id like to think is strong,
because i know baby it's you i need,
and now i can stop searching..because I found YOU.