by Kevin   May 28, 2004

My loves
in passive contemplation
are surely pure narcotic
for if they are not
then why without
am I a tad psychotic?

Of women
“ nay not drug” you cry!!
but behold I have the shivers
my thoughts and words
are formless slime
yet I walk around grinning
unaware of time

Of the classic arts
“ not drug “ you wail
but tarry not and listen
for paintings leave me paralysed
music puts me under a trance
and poetry’s a pill
that makes words dance

So take heed and steer
for addictions near
even if you know
the arts are crafts so crafty

Yet if you find yourself using
take your time in choosing
drugs are bad
a sure distraction

but pick them well
and share with friends
you’ll find inside
some satisfaction


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