Opportunity Knocks

by Michael D Nalley   May 15, 2008

Opportunities often knock at our door
Those we have to choose to accept or ignore
It is sometimes a shame we don't unlock
The door even when we hear the knock

Opportunity may be a road full of rocks
Life is a journey filled with hard knocks
One road may be right, the other wrong
One road may be short, the other long

Many times we wish we could turn back the clock
To a time that we heard a good opportunity knock
It has been said time and tide wait for no man
For goodness sake we must come up with a plan

The world is a diverse place of cold reality, and warm romance
Where the merciful Lord often offers more than one chance
The wise will learn from the hard knocks to avoid the dangerous rocks
Time will tell who has fell and got back up when opportunity knocks


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    A well written poem with a very truthful meaning behind it that all of us can relate to.

  • 11 years ago

    by Austin

    Initially I really didn't like the repetition of words, yet after going through it a second time I found it quite interesting. The "knock" of opportunity, and drawing inspiration from word, as if it was knocking for us right then. Great job.

  • 13 years ago

    by Failing Stoic

    There's a sound message behind this poem. Why do we always pine for what we want and yet fail to recognise it when it arrives?? Quite ironic really. We can't see the wood for the trees as my mother says.

    I found you held a good rhythm throughout the piece, although my only qualm was the overuse of the word "knock." This may be your intention, and if so, apologies. But I felt you were a little restricted. And I found myself predicting the end of each line.

    I might've shortened the last stanza so that it fitted in with the rest of the body of the poem, visually. And I wasn't comfortable with the third line in the last stanza. But then I'm a bit fussy! If I may, here's an edited version of the last stanza:

    "This world is a place of cold reality and harsh circumstance
    But our merciful Lord offers more than one chance
    Wise ones will be taught to avoid the dangerous rocks
    Time will tell who's taken a chance when opportunity knocks"

    Hope you don't mind me having a play around.

    Overall, I thought there was a lot of wisdom in this piece and you practice what you preach ;-)

  • 16 years ago

    by alka mendiratta

    A poem with great depth.Great message for one and all.The stanza:
    Many times we wish we could turn back the clock

    For goodness sake we must come with a plan.
    Great job.Keep it up.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    I loved the message behind your words because they spoke such truth. The flow was just flawlessly and everything fit together nicely. Well done *5/5*

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