When hes not there

by FoReVeR UrS   May 17, 2008

Tears may fall but the pain inside of you will just grow more knowing he is not there to wipe away your tears and tell you that you'll be fine he wont be there for the sorrow that you go through even though you wish he does. but all he thinks your just another ***** that has lied to him. wipe away your own tears nd turn the page to a new beginning and see what this world is Hinding from you. don't think of the past. it was just a bad chapter to begin from. life is hard and a ***** but days will pass by and even years and he will realize that he has lost a stone while he was busy collecting diamonds but you didn't lose him he lost you. he would taste the part of you that is went through hell because of his love wasn't pure and true like yours.he will realize what he has done he will you try to come back but all you would is is laugh while you looking back through the pages..


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